The Gravity Clan

Site Created By CodeSalvageON

Our Historical Roots

So starts our story, back in 2013, on a server name Kingdoms Craft. At the time I was also discovering 2b2t and learning how to play the game in general.

Melody, known as Jeixis at the time was a quite good pvper, and he was respected on the server for being friends with the owner of Kingdom Jordis, the admin JPR2.

Seeing how he was friends with an administrator, he ended up being one of the most powerful players, along with his french friend Poutcheke.

But let's go a little bit further in time.. 2015 now. The server was dying, most players quitting because of The Gravity being a bit too powerful, We were the most powerful team in Kingdom Jordis, reknown for our Bedrock bases, and all those griefs we did.

Now, of course this sounds like an anarchy server, but it really wasn't.. Well in a way it was but not really. It was more like a faction server with 8 factions that you joined ( the Kingdoms ) and that you fought others in gigantic wars and battles every now and then.

Sorry I'm losing what I was saying. So. 2015, the server is dying because of The Gravity being too big, then something happened. Something no one saw coming. The Co Leader of The Gravity, Poutcheke, leaked the coords to all our bases, allowed players to teleport to all our bases.

During that time, Mel wasn't home. He was at a friend's house during all this happened, and as soon as he got home, he got on the server. What he saw completely DESTROYED his vision of the server, and he disbanded The Gravity temporarily due to corruption and betrayal of the Leaders.

The Next Generation of The Gravity

Years go by. The Gravity had been inactive for four years. We're now in 2019, on a new small server called ASP ( Anarchy Survival PE ).

Honestly, we loved that server. It felt like home, so we tried making gravity a thing on there.

I mean, it was working for a while, then.. I, MelodyIV, betrayed the entire server. I assembled with a group of friends, and together we completely griefed what was one of the biggest bases at the time. COTE, City Of The East, was griefed after one of the members of the base pissed me off.

Video of MelodyIV griefing COTE

After the grief, most the playerbase quit. Melody had gone mad against the so called builders for their idiocy and how they were saying they were the ones who were protecting the server and the new players, whilst they were griefing all the sanctuaries that a team called The Inceptions were building for the new players.

Them acting like so caused them to get hated by most the current playerbase. The Gravity had won, once again.

But sadly, at that time the clan wasn't able to get all of it's past glory, so MelodyIV, the Leader, disbanded it once again.

The Present

Further in time now. 2020.

Melody discovered a few new servers and decided to make two of them the home servers for The Gravity. Bedrock Vanilla and Arctic West. It was a good idea, and the best part is it worked.

The clan grew pretty fast, starting with a few friends, then advertising a bit so that newer members would come.

The new members came rushing and then R3VXp, the new Co Leader betrayed the clan and griefed our main Capital on Bedrock Vanilla. This started a short war that lasted a few days, and about five total bases were griefed, both in R3's clan The Confederacy and in The Gravity. Gravity had gotten new allies to support them in this short war, Termina and The Enclave.

The war ended when MelodyIV and R3VXp created a peace treaty.

Not long after the war ended, another clan named the Maple Clan started being a dick. They started by sending raiders in a few discord servers owned by Melody, and then sent insiders which started a very short war that didn't really do anything much. A member of their clan dm'ed Melody and they arranged a peace treaty, which set the war on a standby phase. The war isn't cancelled, it's just on standby at the moment.

The Gravity III Phase II

The Gravity just recently entered it's second phase, being established, building and becoming somewhat more powerful than before. Of course, the clan's goal isn't to be the best clan, seeing how it is obviously impossible anyways, but it is just to become more powerful and become more stablished than the smaller clans.